Monday, September 6, 2010

Strawberry melome

Even though, I had no success with my last melome (wine of  fruit and honey) I gave it another go. I made this one entirely from strawberry, honey and sugar. I bottled them this weekend. At that time the color was very pleasing. Red, clear with a hint of brownish color. Very similar to what you would see in old red wines.

Before bottling it I added a tincture coriander and juniper berries (einebær). Only four bottles escaped this treatment, for comparison. I also wanted to experiement with fortifying the wine. I have never done this before so I have no experience to draw upon. I used four different spirits in order to learn what effect they have on the finished product. 60% spirits, dry gin, SO XO cognac, and finaly a tincture made by soaking oak chips in vodka for a month. All four were mixed with the melome to produce a wine of 18%.

The melome was rather promising before bottling, so i have high hopes for it. Maybe it will be ready for Christmas.

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